Selecting the right forklift battery
In an electric forklift, one of the most important and sensitive parts is the forklift battery.
Forklift battery troubleshooting FAQs
Why battery is not charging on the intelligent charger?
If you are using the intelligent charger perhaps your charger does not recognize your battery, in this case, you have to check the voltage first if the voltage is under 20% you have to charge the battery with a simple charger
Why battery is boiling too much?
First, maybe the battery filled too much, Second the percentage of water is higher than acid.
Why does the battery smell so acidic?
Over-charging a lead acid battery can produce hydrogen sulfide. The gas is colorless, very poisonous, flammable, and has the odor of rotten eggs. If during charging the battery you smell so acidic, check the level of water and be sure the caps are completely closed on the cell. Also, check the cells maybe there is a crack in the cell.
What is corrosion on the Batteries?
Sulfation can happen to the lead plates contained in wet cell batteries, commonly known as lead-acid batteries. When sulfation occurs, your battery goes dead. Sulfation is a result of the electrolyte fluid level in the wet cells falling below the top of the lead plates, exposing them. The lead plates are unable to retain electrical energy because the electrons can’t flow between the two plates in each cell. Lead plates can’t be scrubbed clean, but you can remove sulfation by reconditioning your battery.
How to clean battery corrosion?
If you want to clean the forklift first you have to remove the battery from the forklift and then clean it with a Naturalizer. The acid from these will help dissolve the corrosion from the device. Scrub with a toothbrush to remove as much corrosion as possible.
What causes battery cable corrosion?
Corrosion on the terminals is due to hydrogen gas being released from the acid in the battery. It mixes with other things in the atmosphere under the hood and produces the corrosion you see on the terminals. Generally, if the corrosion is occurring on the negative terminal, your system is probably undercharging.
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